Ecomax G404/S Compact Glasswasher

Clean, sparkling glassware is essential for you to be able to deliver consistently great experiences for your customers. The Ecomax range of compact glasswashers delivers reliable, highly efficient and effective results, even within tight footprints – offering ultimate peace of mind.

About The Ecomax G404/S Compact Glasswasher

Ecomax G404W/SW

This machine features electronic controls with digital temperature indication for easy operation. Capable of 60 racks per hour and with a cycle time of 60 seconds, 120 seconds, 180 seconds, plus hygiene cycle and ESave cycle, this is an efficient and easy to use Compact Glasswasher, perfect for smaller establishments.

  • Electronic control for cycles and water consumption
  • Thermostop function for guaranteed temperatures
  • Self flushing programme to maintain hygiene within the machine
  • Option with inbuilt water softener available
  • Incl. connection cable, supply and drain hose for immediate operation

Technical Details


Compact glasswasher, electronic controls, 390 x 390mm rack.


435 x 534 x 700mm

Cycle Times

60, 120, 180, plus hygiene cycle and ESave cycle.

Max Racks
Per Hour



2.1kW 230/50/1 FUSED AT: 1 x 13amps
5.8kW 400/50/3 FUSED AT: 3 x 16amps
3.9kW 230/50/1 FUSED AT: 1 x 25amps

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About Ecomax

Launched in 2003, the Ecomax brand has built a reputation synonymous with quality and reliability at the right price point. Now featuring both warewashing and cooking equipment, Ecomax, which is sold exclusively through our dealer partners, gives operators the chance to access high quality equipment at a lower price point.

Contact Info

Southgate Way, Orton Southgate, Peterborough, PE2 6GN

Tel: 0844 888 7777